Community Member
Nov 16, 2020 10:22:33 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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This is a must. An absolute need for teacher, especially teachers working with students in special education. I have been trying to come up with a work around for students but it always results in con...
I teach CT classes, and often have to take student out of the room to read test verbally to them. I have student who don't want to leave out of embarrassment or uncertainty. It would be great for ...
I work as a special education teacher in the a larger public school district. The majority of my day is spent in the co-taught setting. Giving me a mix of students with and without IEP accommodations....
I work as a special education teacher, primarily working in the co-taught class setting. With every test I take my students to have their test read in a separate setting, and some students prefer to s...
Most Recent Posts
This is a must. An absolute need for teacher, especially teachers working with students in special education. I have been trying to come up with a work around for students but it always results in con...
I teach CT classes, and often have to take student out of the room to read test verbally to them. I have student who don't want to leave out of embarrassment or uncertainty. It would be great for ...
I work as a special education teacher in the a larger public school district. The majority of my day is spent in the co-taught setting. Giving me a mix of students with and without IEP accommodations....
I work as a special education teacher, primarily working in the co-taught class setting. With every test I take my students to have their test read in a separate setting, and some students prefer to s...
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