Student Annotation Submissions - Erase and Save


For K-12 students (particularly younger students), having an eraser icon as well as a trash can icon will help them erase some of the pen tool annotations (versus deleting an entire annotation). 

Students would also like a SAVE button to save their work periodically as they complete an annotation assignment because sometimes parts disappear as they work and they have to start all over.  Sometimes when they submit the assignment, certain parts fail to submit so they have been writing out those parts in the comments section for teachers.  If they had a save button, maybe that wouldn’t happen so often. 


🔎 This idea has been archived. While this idea isn't open for comments, it is an important part of Instructure’s idea conversations and development process. Contributions like this are valuable as Instructure prioritizes work on new or existing features.

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Status changed to: Moderating

Hi @EHudson1 -

Thanks for taking the time to create an Idea!

The first portion of your request is included in this Idea: Erasing Student Annotations on Chromebook/Laptop 

If you would add a comment and rate (star) that thread, it would be a great way to show support of the feature!

Before opening this thread, please revise your original post so it only includes information about the need for a SAVE option for annotations. Thanks!

Community Team
Community Team

Hi @EHudson1 -

I'm checking in on this Idea, and I hope you're doing well!

If you'd like assistance editing your Idea, please let the Community know. We'd be happy to help! We also know life can get busy, so if we don't hear from you by March 14, we will archive this thread so we can better focus on current requests. 

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Community Team
Status changed to: Archived