Studio: Share Video Collections to Commons


Right now, many teachers are using Canvas to prepare for distance learning. In my district, we are creating a large amount of video lessons to supplement our live online instruction. We currently have collections with many videos, but cannot easily share them district-wide because we can only invite one person at a time. 


Adding the feature to share a video Collection to Commons would be extremely useful right now, and would save us a lot of time and effort in preparing our assignments.

Community Member

Yes yes yes! This would be so helpful. In addition, our instructional team needs an efficient way to share lesson templates to Commons that include studio video 

Community Member

Yes, please! I teach the same class in three districts, but I can't share my own Canvas Studio videos with myself. At the moment, I'm keeping detailed notes as I create quizzes or add comments to videos. I then have to download the video, separately download the closed caption file, then upload the video, upload the closed caption file, and recreate any quiz questions or comments. Total pain, and the lack of a more universal sharing feature mostly impacts adjuncts who get paid less to begin with.

Community Member

Yes! I'd love to share my resources within my teaching team and to colleagues in other areas. 

Community Member

Yes please. This would be helpful. I'm wanting to share assignments with my teaching team that include videos. I'm trying to figure out how to do this.

Community Member

Yes!  Please!  This is a powerful tool.  Why can't we share these quizzes with colleagues!  Please add this in the NEAR future!


Community Explorer

+1 on this. We can share videos from courses, but not from Canvas Studio.

Community Explorer

There needs to be a way to add Canvas Studio videos to Canvas Commons. 

Community Explorer

+1 on this we are sharing Courses with our Partner School Districts and none of the videos are coming over.  

Community Member

This would be amazing!!!! I am currently putting a lot of work into my courses and videos made in studio with quizzes. I would just like to know no matter where I teach or if I transfer to another school I would have everything I have built.

Community Member

It would be really great if Studio Quizzes could be shared publicly either through groups or even through Commons. A lot of the teachers here are using Edpuzzle, because of the vast library that they have. This would really entice our district more to re-up studio if this feature was available. 

Community Member

Or the ability to embed a whole Collection, which would help to streamline faculty video sharing.

Community Member

I am surprised this feature doesn't exist. It has become quite crucial to my work that sharing on Canvas Studio is made easier. Any chance of an instructure rep commenting? thanks

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Comments from Instructure

As part of the new Ideas & Themes process, all ideas in Idea Conversations were reviewed by the Product Team. Any Idea that was associated with an identified theme was moved to the new Idea & Themes space. Any Idea that was not part of the move is being marked as Archived. This will preserve the history of the conversations while also letting Community members know that Instructure will not explore the request at this time.