Impact LTI Tools Beta Update



Impact LTI Tools Beta Update

The Impact LTI Tools feature was initially launched at the end of May 2022 as a Beta feature. Since then, the Impact Product Team has been seeking ways to make this area more accurate and more meaningful. As such, we would like to share what to expect in the near future.


LTI Tools’ Current State


The LTI Tools feature is intended to allow Impact Admin visibility into what LTI tools are being utilized from the LMS and map LTI tool launches to the correct tool in order to improve the accuracy of the LTI Tool data. The utilization data in LTI Tools is meant to feature launch data only for now. The data is listed in a table format with the following possible column headers/fields: 

  • Associated LTI Tool: Dropdown menu where Impact Admin can associate a launched tool with an LTI if it has no association yet (whether a Default LTI, Custom LTI, or Create new LTI)
  • Description: The description of the LTI Tool as/if written in Canvas when installed.
  • First launched date: When the LTI tool was first launched from the specified launch point.
  • ID: A sequential number assigned by Canvas and associated with the specific LTI (known as the external_tool_id in Canvas)
  • Last Launched by: the name of the user who launched the tool last.
  • Last launched date: When the LTI tool was last launched from the specified launch point.
  • Launch type: Currently showing one of three options as shown in Canvas: Embedded tool, Embedded content, or Link click.
  • Name: The name of the LTI tool as pulled from/shown in Canvas
  • Total launches: The number of times that the specific LTI Tool has been launched from the specified launch point.
  • URL: The website URL of the specific LTI launch point as provided from Canvas.

These fields are able to be toggled to view as desired. Additionally, a search function is provided to look up a specific tool’s information. 


The Future of LTI Tools


The LTI Tools feature is currently in Beta due to the issues listed below: 

  • Some fields are showing as blank or are confusing/unclear
  • LTI Tools Table Column Headers are unclear 
  • Inability to have more granular visibility into where launches/activity are happening

We are actively working on addressing them as soon as we can. Once the above are completed, which we anticipate in the first half of 2023, the feature will no longer have a beta status. 


We also have ideas on how to enhance LTI Tools in the future and would love your feedback as well! Please consider sharing your feedback with the Impact CSM Team and/or providing feature requests in the Impact Idea Conversations section of the Instructure Community


Staying Updated


Once these features are released there are several ways that we will communicate their availability. Keep your eye out for our release notes, monthly newsletter, and blog posts.

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