Making The Most Of User Feedback Within Your LMS


Much like the traditional classroom, In-line messages created in Impact allow for two-way communication. Impact customers have the option to allow end-users to submit feedback in the form of comments and up-votes/down-votes. Enabling the feedback feature on your messages can provide you insight into your users’ perception of campaigns and timely suggestions for future messages. A few of our power-users have offered their insight into why feedback has been essential at their institutions.


When asked about user feedback, Dr. Sean Hauze of San Diego State University shared, “feedback, from a high level, helps inform us about saturation point, stakeholder buy-in, and opens an opportunity to have a larger conversation.” Clair Waterbury, from Northeastern University, utilized Impact to make a rapid transition to a new learning management system. Throughout the process, she relied on Impact - messaging in both LMS systems to hear users' thoughts on the migration. She found that messaging was most helpful when feedback was turned on. 


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Jolie Theall from Foothill College offered, “all feedback is a communication opportunity.” Lene Whitely-Putz of Foothill Community College encourages a culture of leaving feedback for instructors and students. As a result, they have seen a decrease in downvotes. Similarly, Alisa Kadenic-Newman has reported that negative comments decreased when feedback was taken into consideration at CCSNH. 


Feedback allows for a continual process of improvement. Greg Reynolds from San Juan College notes that examination of feedback helps to identify ebbs and flows. As a result of feedback analysis, your institution can ensure your end users have the resources they need at their fingertips. 


Kentucky Community and Technical College System launched a campaign with a reminder to register for summer and fall classes. Within seven days, they received 392 comments with 97.28% positive feedback on the message! 




Curious about what your message feedback can do to help your institution? Your Impact Customer Success Manager is happy to walk you through customer feedback and help implement any changes in your instance. 


A special thanks to Dr. Sean Hause (San Diego State University), Alisa Kadenic-Newman, M.Sc.  (Community College System of New Hampshire), Greg Reynolds, M.P.A. (San Juan College), Dr. Leah Simpson (Kentucky Community and Technical College System), Jolie Theall (Foothill College), Clair Waterbury, M.Ed. (Northeastern University), and Dr. Lene Whitley-Putz (Foothill College) for offering their insights!