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Getting Started with Canvas: Students

Getting Started with Canvas: Students

What is the purpose of this campaign?

The purpose of this campaign is to help students who are new to Canvas orient themselves with the new environment, and provide them with the necessary support to get started in an efficient and effective manner.

Tool categories
 The 'Profile, Syllabus, Calendar, ePortfolio, Pages, People, Quizzes, Conversations, Grades, Files, Assignments, Announcements' tool category should be toggled before importing the campaign on to display the content. Click here to find out how to manage tool categories in your dashboard.


Message placement

📌Dashboard page                 📌Course home Page          📌Modules page

📌Syllabus page                     📌Student course grades page  📌 Announcements page

📌Discussion topics page      📌Quizzes overview page    📌Assignments page

📌 People overview page     📌Course files page               📌Calendar page

📌Conversations page           📌My ePortfolio page            📌 Notification settings page

📌Account files page               📌Account settings page      📌 Course pages page
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📌 All Courses Page


Support Articles

How can the impact of this campaign be measured?

Campaign engagement

Views on messages & links on support included inside messages
Views on support articles included in this campaign 

Average tool adoption

Monitors have been placed on the following pages/elements as data points to define the use of the tool:

Screenshot 2023-05-16 at 13.34.10.png

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