[Campaigns] Empower Impact Admins to Use Arbitrary CSS Selectors When Creating Custom Contexts

This idea has been developed and deployed to Impact

Problem statement:

The ability to create custom contexts and attach messages or monitors to them is an important feature of Impact. However, institutions' ability to create these contexts is limited to the options in the inline editor: tag, classes on the element, id, text, and attributes. While these options cover about 80% of use cases, there is still some functionality left to be desired, such as the ability to use pseudo-classes or combinators. For example, let's say we want to run a campaign telling instructors to publish their Summer 2023 courses. The CSS for this might look like this:

.ic-DashboardCard:has(.ic-DashboardCard__header-publish):has(.ic-DashboardCard__header-term[title="Summer 2023"]) 

Another potential campaign would target instructors who aren't using modules. To detect this, the following CSS selector could be used:

.section.section-hidden > .modules
Proposed solution:

I propose allowing Impact admins to enter arbitrary CSS selectors into either the inline editor or the context editor in the Impact admin panel. This change would empower CSS-adept Impact admins to create rich, targeted resources for their faculty, staff, and students.

User role(s):


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Added to Theme

This idea has been added to a theme for further consideration.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Completed
This idea has been developed and deployed to Impact



For more information, please review the Impact Release Notes (2023-08-17)