[Support Center] Include downvotes in Article Health Rating

Problem statement:

In the Support Center -> Insights -> Article Health -> Table view, the Rating only displays the article proportion of upvotes, not downvotes. Articles with only downvotes are displayed with 0%, which is the same as articles without any votes. Consequently, we are unable to distinguish between articles with no votes and those with only downvotes, leading to a situation where the rating for articles is effectively negative, but the insights function does not show this negative value. This lack of visibility makes it challenging to assess the actual performance of the articles.

Proposed solution:
  • Option 1: Display Net Ratings
    Instead of showing only the proportion of upvotes, display the net rating (upvotes minus downvotes). This way, articles with more downvotes than upvotes will have a negative rating, which accurately reflects their performance.
  • Option 2: Turn the Rating column into separate Columns for Upvotes and Downvotes
    This would provide a more detailed breakdown of the feedback, allowing us to see both positive and negative responses for each article.
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Added to Theme

Feedback Presentation Theme Status: Identified

1 Comment
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Added to Theme

This idea has been added to a theme for further consideration.