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Editing Pronouns And Preferred Name On Canvas

Editing Pronouns And Preferred Name On Canvas

Applicable Learning Management System(s): Canvas

Campaign Description: To aid in inclusive education, it is important to make space for students to adjust their name and establish their pronouns to assert their identity as a student in your classroom. Canvas not only allows you to adjust your name but also select the pronouns you would like to use to appear next to your name. This message informs students of these options in settings so they can adjust how their identity is presented within their digital courses.
If pronouns are not enabled in your Canvas instance, your system admin can follow these steps to make pronouns visible to those who opt-in to displaying them.

Submitted by (and on behalf of, if applicable): Katie van den Berk


Changing Name and Pronouns

This message informs students of the options to change their name or pronouns in Canvas. While this is a student-focused message, you can also adjust it to inform faculty of the options to model this inclusive behavior as well in their Canvas courses.

Location: Hint on Account Profile Button

Audience: Students

Content Type: hint message



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Did you know you can change how your name is displayed in Canvas? Select settings within your Profile to change your name to how you want to be referred to in class.
Additionally, if offered by your university, you can select your pronouns to appear next to your name as well. Follow this tutorial to see how to select pronouns. (Tutorial link:
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Would it be possible for Instructure to add a Preferred name field in Canvas that is displayed everywhere in canvas for the student? For us changing the actual user name isn't an option because a students name/email is used to create accounts for them in our third party tools. If a change was made after the fact it could break their existing account away from them or it would even be difficult to complete research requests if the name is one way in Canvas and another in the third party system. So having a new field of Preferred Name in Canvas would be a good way to go.

When I go to Profile, I do not have the option to edit my name.

doesn't give me the option either