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Supporting The Start Of Term: Course Copy

Supporting The Start Of Term: Course Copy

Applicable Learning Management System(s): Blackboard

Campaign Description: This campaign is intended to assist staff and students alike through the start of their new academic term in a fully or partially online learning environment.

Success Criteria: Instructors know how to correctly copy over their course if they wish to do so.

Submitted by (and on behalf of, if applicable): Annelise Ewing Goodman on behalf of Danny from Instructure


Want to Copy Your Course?

Messages on the course copy tool to ensure the correct settings are used when copying content from the previous course to the new one. This helps stop the copying of unneeded grade center columns, discussions, and users.

Location: Copy Course Page

Audience: Instructors

Content Type: systray message



Copy Message Content: 

To make sure your course is copied over correctly, please follow the steps in the Course Copy Instructions [INSERT LINK].

Please note: Due to a high volume of course copies at the beginning of the semester, it may take longer to process your copy.

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