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Wellness Day Reminders

Wellness Day Reminders

Applicable Learning Management System(s): Blackboard Ultra, Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle, D2L

Campaign Description: The goal of this campaign is to remind students and instructors of upcoming wellness days.

Submitted by (and on behalf of, if applicable): Annelise Ewing Goodman 


Wellness Day Reminder!

This systray message is designed to remind students of an upcoming wellness day.

Location: Course Home

Audience: Students 

Content Type: systray message



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As a reminder, NAME University is having a wellness day on DATE! There will be no classes during this time, however university offices will remain open.  Wellness days are designed to support the mental health and well-being of our campus community. Take this time off to focus on wellness and self-care!
A list of university health resources can be found here LINK.
As always, stay safe, practice social distancing, and help prevent the spread of COVID-19!


Wellness Day Reminder!

This systray message is to remind faculty of an upcoming wellness day

Location: Course Home

Audience: Instructors

Content Type: systray message



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As a reminder, NAME University is having a wellness day on DATE! There will be no classes during this time, however university offices will remain open. Wellness days are designed to support the mental health and well-being of our campus community. Make sure that your syllabi are updated accordingly.
These wellness days are not just for students. Take this time off to focus on your own wellness and self-care! We appreciate your hard work during this unprecedented time.
A list of university health resources can be found here LINK.
As always, stay safe, practice social distancing, and help prevent the spread of COVID-19!
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