[ARCHIVED] Add External Link to Menu?

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Hi all,

Is there a way to add an external link to the Portal menu that all faculty will see?
We have a custom application for the faculty to combine their sections, and it would be best to have a link to it here.

Thank you!


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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi pamedmoston, I'm not quite sure what you mean by Portal menu but I'll give this a go.

  • If by portal menu you mean where users log in, yes. We asked our CSM to connect us with an Instructure team member who added a link to our log in page for our needs. If you have a keen java-scriptor on staff maybe they can do something using the java code field at the top admin level, but I'm thinking that this field might be to manipulate the java INSIDE of Canvas, not on the login portal.
  • If by portal menu you mean your global navigation menu, then I believe so too but again, I'd contact your CSM.
  • If you're looking for a way to add a link to every class room level, try the Redirect app. Root/Settings/Apps/Redirect. If it's for teachers only they should be able to hide/unhide from students/observers using Class/Settings/Navigation.
  • If you're looking for a global navigation option for a link have you considered adding the link to the help button? This is very easy to do for anyone with root admin access. Root/Settings/Settings subtab/Customize Help Link. You can set it so that it displays to certain roles, too for example display only to any combination of Users, Teachers, Students, or Admins with a checkbox next to each. Personally, this would be the approach to a global help link that I'd endorse the most out of the choices above for your users inside of Canvas  🙂

I hope this helps.

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