Canvas Klatch - February 5

Canvas Klatch
Published on ‎01-31-2025 12:33 AM by Community Coach

The Canvas Klatch started as an online office hour for the courses I teach for the Online Network of Educators (@ONE):

This is a collaborative, system-wide network of California Community College faculty, classified professionals, and administrators. The project provides training and professional development to support the effective use of digital tools and is coordinated by the professional development team at the California Virtual Campus .


All members of the Instructure Community are welcome! This is like an office hour, so whoever attends directs the conversation. Attendees will first be placed in the waiting room.

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Wed, Feb 5, 2025 03:00 PM MST
Wed, Feb 5, 2025 03:30 PM MST
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Community Participant

Good morning, I am so sorry I missed this event -- would there happen to be any recordings available?  Thank you, and also, thank you for holding these Klatches!

Community Coach

Thanks @saustin for your question. These are office hours, so the topics are selected by the folks who show up and I don't record them. I try to hold one per week, and I hope to see you at a future one! Also check out the other events on the InstructureLive calendar. Some are recorded.

Community Participant

Gotcha, thank you so much!  Hope to catch you at the next one! 🙂