Canvas Klatch - September 30

Canvas Klatch
Published on ‎09-04-2024 04:06 PM by Community Coach


The Canvas Klatch started as an online office hour for the courses I teach for the Online Network of Educators (@ONE):

This is a collaborative, system-wide network of California Community College faculty, classified professionals, and administrators. The project provides training and professional development to support the effective use of digital tools and is coordinated by the professional development team at the California Virtual Campus .


All members of the Instructure Community are welcome! This is like an office hour, so whoever attends directs the conversation. Attendees will first be placed in the Zoom Waiting Room and may be contacted via in-Zoom chat prior to joining the main room.

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Mon, Sep 30, 2024 04:00 PM MDT
Mon, Sep 30, 2024 04:30 PM MDT
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Community Member

Hello there!  I have a few questions regarding Canvas Free for teachers. Here are the questions.

1. how many courses can I create at a time?

2. How many students can be enrolled for a course?

3. How much is the storage limit? 

3. If I have  two quizzes  in a module, can I make the first quiz a prerequisite so that students can't move on without completing the first one?

Please email me the answers to these to questions if you can.

 Thank you!

Community Coach

Thanks for your questions, @Demis.

  1. I don't think there is a limit to the number of courses that can be created there. I haven't run into one, and I'm enrolled in dozens of courses there.
  2. The same goes for students.
  3. You can check the Settings page of any course there to see its storage limit.
  4. Yes, the requirements tool for modules works in that instance in the way you describe.

For more information, please view the Canvas Free-for-Teacher FAQ page here in the Instructure Community.

And I hope to see you at a future Canvas Klatch!


Thank you so much for the nice and informative response, dear @ProfessorBeyrer !