LearnPlatform Virtual Office 1/2 Hour- New Year, New Tech?
The beginning of a new school year is a good time to assess how EdTech is being used across your organization, and keep an eye out for new and unknown products. This Virtual Office ½ Hour, we will review the different ways that data from your inventory dashboard can be used to plan for success in the 24-25 school year.
Plan to go beyond simply understanding what is being used, to what is actually working with RCE reporting. Gain a deeper understanding on how teachers are using EdTech in their classrooms with Feedback.
Recommended Audience: LearnPlatform Admin
Topics: Inventory Dashboard, Feedback, RCE reporting
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Wed, Sep 25, 2024 09:00 AM MDT
Wed, Sep 25, 2024 09:30 AM MDT