Ohio CanvasConnect
Instructure, the makers of Canvas, and The Ohio State University are excited to host the 2024 Ohio Canvas Users Conference.
For higher-ed schools in Ohio, This event brings together Canvas users from schools across Ohio to help build a community around our practice of administration, instructional design, governance, and other aspects of running and using Canvas. We will also explore topics around student engagement, incorporating diverse perspectives from faculty, instructional designers, and student success staff.
Instructure, the makers of Canvas, and The Ohio State University are excited to host the 2024 Ohio Canvas Users Conference.
For higher-ed schools in Ohio, This event brings together Canvas users from schools across Ohio to help build a community around our practice of administration, instructional design, governance, and other aspects of running and using Canvas. We will also explore topics around student engagement, incorporating diverse perspectives from faculty, instructional designers, and student success staff.
", "startDate":"2024-09-27", "endDate":"2024-09-27", "startTime":"07:30", "endTime":"13:00", "location":"1739 N High St, Columbus, OH 43210, USA", "label":"Add to Calendar", "options":[ "Apple", "Google", "iCal", "Microsoft365", "MicrosoftTeams", "Outlook.com", "Yahoo" ], "timeZone":"US/Mountain", "trigger":"click", "iCalFileName":"Instructure Live: Ohio CanvasConnect" }