Spicing up the Rich Content Editor (begins at 4:05 PM Pacific Time)
This event begins at 4:05 PM Pacific Time and ends at 5:15 PM Pacific Time
The Rich Content Editor (RCE) in Canvas has the same general formatting options as a traditional word processor with a couple of extra features, including an icon maker that was introduced in spring ‘22. Like all web tools, it also uses a language (HTML) and a set of formatting instructions (CSS) to make web pages look the way they do. In this workshop, we will explore the icon maker and use HTML and CSS to go beyond the basic formatting and make our text and images look more interesting for those who are visually enabled while supporting all students.
Supporting resources for the presentation are available in the Google Doc Resources for Spicing up Content Pages.
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Thu, Aug 18, 2022 05:00 PM MDT
Thu, Aug 18, 2022 06:30 PM MDT