Bridging Bridge: Creating an architecture for learning outside the classroom

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @weiwei_zhang ‌


Oregon State University is a Land, Sea, Space and Sun Grant University that has approximately 29,000 students, over 6,000 faculty and staff, and almost 8,000 student employees and graduate assistants. In 2018, OSU implemented Bridge as the Learning Management System for employee training, and since then much effort has been put into increasing the use of Bridge to expand the breadth and depth of learning opportunities for the entire OSU community. In this presentation, I will provide an overview of the training/learning needs at OSU and how they were offered historically. Then I will discuss the issues and challenges we faced and are still facing today, and how we are using Bridge to help resolve some of the issues and reduce barriers to employee training and learning. I will share our outlook for this implementation of Bridge and the practices through which we work with many different groups across campus, Instructure, as well as a number of our peer institutions, to improve both the system and our business processes in order to ensure compliance and robust training, while providing rich and diverse learning opportunities and experience.