Calendars, calendars...and a thank you!

Community Champion

Starting Canvas in our school, it was agreed that all homework should be put on the calendar for the course you teach to encourage students to get on to and explore the platform.

Staff could make entries either as:

  • An event - For tasks not related to Canvas eg complete a worksheet, drawing images or reading task
  • A Canvas feature - If you wished students scores to be stored on the gradebook eg a quiz, discussion, on/offline assignment etc

In addition, we asked all teachers to create a syllabus page on each course with information to parents and student about the course  and our expectations of Canvas in supporting the learning that would take place. The syllabus page is very handy for showing the course calendar and a list of every item (homework) added to the course.

Now for the tricky bit....!

As a school with a UK curriculum, we have upwards of 15 different courses that students (and some staff) are enrolled in. The global calendar is currently limited to 10 which means that students either have to:

  • Unselect one course then select another course to view the homework on the global calendar (not easy with younger ones and too easy to get lost in different shades of colour!)
  • Go to the main course then look at the syllabus page and list of events (the syllabus calender is quite small and often the homeworks get lost in the list below)

The challenge for staff is even greater because:

  • When adding a homework via the global calendar, it is too easy to forget to select your course when writing the event (leading to homework being given to different groups!)
  • If your course is not on the global calendar then you cannot add an event to it without re-selecting it (annoyingly upsetting work flow)
  • If you decide to add an event via your course you cannot do it because the calendar on the syllabus page only links to the events below it (I didn't tell staff that one - I was too scared :O)

I posted an idea to the Community in hope rather than expectation. This was to add a link to the course calendar in every course that could bring up the course calendar for students to view and staff to add to. You can see the post here -

I also asked Michael Kop, our outstanding technical support person in school who has done some amazing things with our Canvas such as integration with our MIS (SIMS), CSS styling and links with H5P for resizing their quizzes (amongst many others) if this was something he could have a think about..

15 minutes later he had done it.

Michael has written (in his words) some 'quick and dirty' javascript which places a link called Check Homework at the bottom of every course.

Here is what it looks like on a course:


When you click on the link it takes you to your course calendar eg


So to the code. Here it is below, kindly used and to be shared with permission of Michael:

You can edit the link text on the first line, and more importantly it will automatically pick up on the current tenant (url)...

var LinkText = "Check Homework"; //Edit between quotes to change the link text

var cururl = location.href;

if (cururl.indexOf("/courses/") >= 0)


var CanvasTenant ='.')[0]

                var courseid = cururl.split('/')[4];

                var newsechtml = "<li class='section'><a href='https://" + CanvasTenant + "" + courseid + "' class='settings' style='font-weight:bold;' tabindex='0'>" + LinkText + "</a></li>";



I hope it makes sense. Let me know if it works for you :O)

Thanks Michael, you are a superstar! We wouldn't have achieved half as much without your support, expertise and answering the phone long after you should have left the office.

Community Team
Community Team

Thank you for sharing, Gideon!  I love how you embrace the community and share your successes and struggles with all of us!  Appreciate you so much!

Community Champion

:O) After 20yrs of doing elearning I feel I have deserved a little bit of latitude. Passionate about a VLE when it is being used transformatively. Less excited when a simple store of stuff.

Community Champion

This is perhaps one of the greatest aspects of Canvas, in that it allows for individuals/institutions to "fix" their own issues/needs until Canvas can/does find a permanent solution.

Community Champion

Indeedy, if you have the technical capacity! Not sure how much stuff like this goes on outside of canvas that could be shared…

Community Contributor

As it says: “Where there's a will, there's a way”. It’s good to see when teachers are eager to make the learning process as much effective as possible. It’s a pleasure to receive a thoughtful feedback from educators. No wonder, that people behind discovery often turn to be educators. Gideon , you did a great job!

Community Contributor

We, too, have created a javascript that will place a link to the calendar on the Course menu.

Calendar in Course Menu

Community Champion

Fabulous work  @GideonWilliams and team!

I'm curious now. How have parents been engaging with Canvas? And how did you get the ball rolling with parents and Canvas? We are exploring that at the moment.

Community Champion

I wrote a bit about how we informed parents here -

We made a commitment to parents that all students homework would appear on the calendar and outlined the sort of homework that they might be receiving

  • Homework to be uploaded and handed in online on Canvas
  • Homework to be carried out in students books
  • Homework that ask students to look at resources on Canvas
  • Homework done on paper, for example a worksheet, that was given in class
  • Homework that involves doing an activity in Canvas like a quiz or a discussion
  • Homework that may be reading tasks related to the course book
  • Homework that might involve some other digital resource or activity

What we then did with some clever magic from our IT team was create a webpage that collated all the entries in each calendar and put them in a Schedular style layout in order of date due.

When parents logged in to our school parent portal (different to Canvas) they could click on a link to see the homework for their child:


The title were links which then showed the details of each homework task:


We asked staff to make sure that the entries had sufficient detail and signposting to courses for more information!

If a parent had more than one child then there was a toggle option to move between each:


Parents do NOT currently have access to Canvas courses but can only see the homework given. The next stage will be how to manage this and how we then develop the gradebook for adoption across all subject areas.

To accomplish this we need to think about the role of feedback and assessment and what information we want to be giving to parents. Students get feedback via the gradebook at the moment but its use varies across the school. Whatever we do, the information will need to be SMART (although not necessarily measurable) - I would also hope that by having a more formative approach it may also recover some time for staff eg by us reviewing our reporting system!

I am not sure it is possible (or sensible) to implement the exact same type of gradebook across each subject/department given the different way departments assess and feedback. What I would like to see, as mentioned in the post above, is a statement given to parents (on the course) outlining how each department assess/feedback and what it means.

Community Champion

PS. Our parents are already set up as Observers in Canvas ready to go. 

Community Novice

Starting to use Canvas this year and have yet to use the Calendar but this is a great idea I hope to incorporate next year!

Community Champion

Its a quick win and it also bring the parents on board very quickly in a way that is not threatening/uncomfortable for staff.

Although it was a sort of unwritten rule, the kids took great delight in trying to argue that there was no homework to do when the teacher had not posted in on the calendar :O)