[OPEN] Annotation notifications are spamming students when "Submission Comment" is set to notify immediately

Engineers are currently investigating the issue.
When a student has “Submission Comment” notifications set to notify immediately, a new notification is created for each annotation added to a submission leading to several notifications for the same submission.
Expected Behavior
Users expect to receive a single notification for an annotation session as expressed in this community post. https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Idea-Conversations/Grading-Annotation-Notifications/idi-p/509241
No workaround exists at this time.
Steps to Reproduce
Prerequisite: Have a user with a confirmed communication channel and “Submission Comment“ notifications enabled and set to notify immediately. User should be enrolled as a student in a published course.
Create an assignment with “online → file upload” submission type.
Acting as the student submit a file to the assignment.
Navigate to Speedgrader for the submission and add various annotations.
Navigate to the students notification log at “/users/:user_id/messages” and note that several separate notifications are created.
Additional Info
Known issues indicate notable behaviors that have been escalated to the Canvas engineering team. Known issues are not a guarantee for an immediate resolution. This document is for informational purposes only and does not replace the Support process. If you are encountering the behavior outlined in this document, please ensure you have submitted a Support case (per your institution's escalation process) so Canvas Support can adequately gauge the overall customer impact and prioritize appropriately.