[OPEN] Points per question when pulling from bank is ignored for MC questions when vary by answer option is enabled

Engineers are currently investigating the issue.
When pulling MC questions with VPBA enabled from an item bank and setting a
Points per question
value that is different than the Highest points possible for this question, the quiz build page reflects the correct total point value, whereas the student’s submission will see the Highest points possible from the questions original configuration instead.
Expected Behavior
The Quiz total point value that the teacher sees on the build page, and the questions point values on the student’s submission should match.
No workaround exists at this time.
Steps to Reproduce
Prereq: One new quiz, one item bank created in a course:
In the item bank, create at least one MC question, with VPBA enabled, where the Highest Points possible (the highest point value for an answer) is at least 2 points.
In the quiz’s build page, add this question from the newly created item bank using the +all/random button, and adjust the points per question value to be 1 point for each question pulled from the item bank.
Notice that the Build page will now reflect the correct total point value for this question as 1.
Navigate to the preview page, and submit the quiz, notice that after the submission, the quiz will show this question point value to be 2 point, rather than 1
This also affects a students real submission in addition to the preview page as shown at the link in the section above.
Additional Info
Known issues indicate notable behaviors that have been escalated to the Canvas engineering team. Known issues are not a guarantee for an immediate resolution. This document is for informational purposes only and does not replace the Support process. If you are encountering the behavior outlined in this document, please ensure you have submitted a Support case (per your institution's escalation process) so Canvas Support can adequately gauge the overall customer impact and prioritize appropriately.