School Overview Dashboard is now available!


Hello! I am happy to bring some announcements on our progress, and details on our current trajectory. 



School Overview Dashboard

Our teams have been hard at work preparing the next milestones and features that are coming as part of our Analytics project. We are super happy to make our School Overview Dashboard available to both district administrator roles and school administrator roles. 

The School Overview Dashboard plays a similar function to the district dashboard - providing those high level insights at the school level. It also includes a subject by subject comparison to the district performance, and details on a per tracker level. You can filter by teacher and tracker.

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As a district administrator, you can access a school dashboard by clicking on the school in the schools chart. School Administrators will be directed to their school by clicking on the Analytics in the top navigation, then Overview.

We are looking forward to making a similar dashboard available to teachers as well, very soon! 



Adjustments in the release schedule

As we develop, we try to work with optimistic timelines to encourage us to get you awesome new features and functionality as quickly as we can. As we proceed, we evaluate our current progress and put it in perspective of the remaining work. This ongoing evaluation allows us to communicate changes as we see them. 

In this case, we need to make a few modifications to our initial release plans. We were hoping to release nearly all features by the end of June. After reviewing, we will need to make the following adjustments to that target. 

As such, we are working to release the following by the end of June:

  • All Overview Dashboards for all educators
  • All Assessment Results Dashboards for all educators

By the end of July, we are looking to release:

  • All Assessment Comparison Dashboards for all educators
  • Saving and Sharing features

We are also shifting some internal resources to increase our velocity towards releasing these features as soon as possible. 



Feedback Opportunities

First, we definitely recommend posting any requests or feature feedback to our group! If you have not joined, we recommend doing so. You will need to log in to the community to join. 

You can also expect an imminent request for some feedback, that should be delivered in app. This will likely become available this week.