Canvas + Mastery Connect: Getting the Most Out of a Learning & Assessment Management System



One of the great benefits of using the Canvas + Mastery Connect integration is the way teachers can now leverage the best parts of both products, within one unique platform, to increase engagement opportunities for students, and progress-monitor to support student learning. Read below and view the blogpost video here to learn about how you can get the most out of your Learning & Assessment Management System!


Canvas Discussions

Canvas Discussions provide a unique opportunity for educators to foster a digital conversation among students where they can share their learning with both their teacher(s) and each other. Students practice the key 21st-century skills of collaboration, communication, and critical thinking by posting their insights about a topic and responding to their peers. 

Use Cases for Discussions:

  • Reflections/Opinions 
  • FAQs
  • Post and Respond to a Peer

Canvas Ungraded Surveys

Canvas Ungraded Surveys allow educators to collect feedback and information from students in an efficient manner. Collecting this type of information empowers students to offer input into their classroom experience.

Use Cases for Ungraded Surveys:

  • Course Interest Survey
  • Students Self-Identifying Areas for Growth
  • Students Self-Evaluating Performance 

Mastery Connect Entry & Exit Tickets

Using Mastery Connect for entry and exit routines provides students with the opportunity to engage with content at key points in a lesson. Best practices in lesson design tell us that the way we begin our lessons and how we provide for reflective closure at the end are two of the most important components for effective teaching and learning.

Use Cases for Mastery Connect Entry & Exit Tickets:

  • Misconception Review
  • Formative Check on New Content
  • Group Challenge - Higher-Order Thinking 
    • Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Level 3 and 4 Questions


Canvas + Mastery Integration Overview 

The Canvas + Mastery Connect integration allows Mastery Connect assessments to be delivered as Canvas Assignments through one unified Learning & Assessment Management System. As a teacher, you can chart student progress toward mastery in the Mastery Tracker, which is located directly in your Canvas course(s). The use of the reporting features in the Mastery Tracker provides a great tool to progress-monitor students.

Mastery Connect Reports: 

  • Tracker Stoplight (by standard and student)
  • Assessment Reports:
    • Item Analysis
    • Student Mastery
    • Teacher Comparison
  • Benchmark Compare Feature
  • Individual Student Report 

PRO TIP: Use the Individual Student Report to progress-monitor specific students. This is a great tool for parent conferences or for leveraging data for interventions for specific students.


Raw Scores

Using Raw Scores is a way to quickly enter easy-to-use data points in the Mastery Tracker. When teachers are informally assessing students in their classroom or in Canvas, they can collect data and input it as a Raw Score in the Mastery Tracker. 

Use Cases for Raw Scores:

  • Capturing Progress for an Intervention Group
  • Activities in Class that Demonstrate Learning
  • Canvas Assignments Outside of Mastery Connect


When used together, Canvas + Mastery Connect provides teachers with a variety of different modalities for engagement and progress-monitoring. This helps teachers collect student achievement data and feedback in a more efficient way by having Canvas + Mastery Connect work in unison as a Learning & Assessment Management System! 

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