Missing Quiz Overview Page For Instructors

Community Explorer

As the title states currently there is no overview page for instructors when using New Quizzes. When an instructor selects a new quiz from modules, assignments, or quizzes it immediately brings them into the edit page. This is problematic for a few reasons. 

1. Instructors anticipate an overview page. This is consistent with how Canvas operates everywhere else. When an instructor selects a Discussion, Assignment, Page, Classic Quiz, or Syllabus the element brings them to an overview page. New Quizzes does not have a consistent design and opening to an edit page is unexpected. 

2. Not having an overview page is going backward in terms of the student view tool. Instructors cannot access student view once they've navigated to a New Quiz. In the recent past Canvas implemented the student view button on more pages in Canvas.  This function is removed with the addition of New Quizzes. Now instructors must become a student prior to accessing a New Quiz. This can be problematic in many instances specifically when the Quiz or Assignment tab is hidden in a course.

As I've stated above this change is inconsistent with other tools in Canvas and is unintuitive for instructors. While being a small change it unnecessarily hides information, complicates student view, and creates additional inconsistent experiences in Canvas.