Student Overdue Assignments List - New Quizzes not showing?

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I am an Instructor (7th grade Social Studies); however, this issue concerns my students and what is visible in the "Assignments Page."

When looking at the assignments page either as a student or using the "Student View" as an instructor, you can group the assignments by date ("Show by Date" option). In this view, assignments are grouped into four categories: Overdue Assignments, Upcoming Assignments, Undated Assignments, and Past Assignments.

Quizzes that are created with the New Quizzes engine do show up in the Upcoming Assignments list. However, if a student does not complete the quiz by the due date instead of being listed in the "Overdue Assignments" list, the quiz is instead put into the Past Assignments category.

I am wondering if this is the intended behavior or if there is a setting/configuration that I can change to allow resources built in the New Quizzes engine to show in the Overdue Assignments list?

My usage case is that I have a series of New Quizzes that I let students complete in their own timeframe, but I have specific deadline that I need each one completed by. I would like students to easily be able to see which quizzes they have overdue to make it easier for them to keep current with their work.

My work around is that students have to go into the Grades section and see what is listed as Missing, but that can require scrolling depending on the display setting.

From my perspective the intended function of the Overdue Assignments list is to provide students with a quick and easy list of items they still need to complete (or are able to complete) that are past the due date! I am a bit perplexed why this type of coursework doesn't show up on that list?

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!


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Community Coach

I looked at the page How do I view Assignments as a student? and see the following criteria for an Overdue assignment:

  • assignments and discussions that are past the due date, are still available, have not been submitted, and have not been graded.

The difference is that Overdue is only available for assignment and discussions. Note the mention of quizzes in the definition for Past Assignments:

  • assignments and discussions that are past the due date and either are not available, have been submitted, or have received a grade; quizzes that are past the due date.

It looks like New Quizzes aren't treated any differently than Classic Quizzes for this purpose.

Thanks @zabeljonathon for your question. I wasn't familiar with the options that students have for viewing the Assignments page (I keep it hidden), and now I know!

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