Coming Sept 30th Modules Shortcut Link to Build

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Coming September 30th - Modules Shortcut Link to Build


I think you’ll be happy to hear that we’ll be releasing a shortcut from Modules into the New Quiz Builder. In March we  modified the New Quizzes workflow so that regardless of accessing initially or subsequently the behavior is always the same. This was in response to  teachers who reported struggling with this inconsistency. They often contacted Admins wondering how they could find New Quiz assignment details. The change meant that selecting a Quiz Name always launched the assignment details page. Those of you familiar with the old process found this cumbersome because it added in an extra step. I hear ya! At the end of September, you’ll be able to use a new “Build” shortcut which bypasses loading the details page.

Jump to New Quizzes Build PageJump to New Quizzes Build Page


This adds supplemental functionality to the current workflow but doesn’t make a change in the existing. Therefore we wanted to get this into your hands as soon as we have an opportunity to!


The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.