[ARCHIVED] Folders in Canvas Pages

Community Champion

This is not a question - rather it is a post to point people to the post that is in idea conversations:

Allow Folders in Pageshttps://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Idea-Conversations/Allow-folders-in-Pages/idi-p/360796 )

A chrome extension has been written to provide this functionality.  The post is available in the forum page above and I have copied that post below.  I am just trying to get this out to as many people as possible.  Dan put a lot of time into creating this extension and I think it will be beneficial to a lot of people

Canvas Page Folders Extension

As indicated by @bowmanr above, a Chrome extension solution to support folder organisation of page links has been worked out, with ample support and beta testing by the same @bowmanr .

We think it is now ready to be tested by a wider circle of users. Please watch this video for a demonstration of the features. Please report bugs on the above forum post or to the email address linked to on the extension options page.

Link to extension (also linked from video description) https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/canvas-page-folders/oedghiclldgapmpgcplfjjfdkfehlkpp

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