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@jcrawford - We do this with a bit of a you probably read in the earlier thread. I create an assignment via the API and that's all that is passed to PowerSchool. I'm going to investigate further...I have an idea for making this better...but it will take some time.
I'm just up the road a bit in Rock Hill...we probably need to talk and share notes...
YES!!! I would love to talk and share. I'm beginning to get more than a little nervous. As I mentioned in the earlier post, my district administration is not comfortable with teachers working in 2 platforms... it's one or the other. With the instructional goals we have in regards to the use of technology, personalizing learning, etc., it would be a huge hit to resort back to grades in PowerSchool. Do you have any free time the end of this week or beginning of next? I'm fairly open in the middle of the day tomorrow and wide open on Friday if you have some time to chat. Email me or send me a calendar invite at
Thanks so much! Looking forward to connecting!
Chris , can you describe little more in detail the hack that you are referring to? Api assignment?
We are also wanting to only transfer the final grade. That would be awesome
Hi @codom and @jcrawford -- I would also love to hear about any workarounds you're using to push final grades from Canvas into Powerschool! I feel like we've exhausted every possible option this year trying to find a solution that would accomplish this and we really haven't had any luck.
I'm with a K12 district in NJ and we've been using Canvas for 4 years at the high school but are new to Powerschool this year, so any insight you have would be very much appreciated!
If you'd be interested in collaborating please reach out to me at
Hi Lane! I have a call with our PowerSchool administrator, Canvas, and me today to talk about the steps to moving to PowerTeacher Pro, grade passback, passing final grades, etc. I'll let you know how that goes and if there is any good news for us. Maybe you, @codom , and I could find some time next week to connect? I'll shoot you an email and we will set something up!
Awesome! I look forward to chatting with you!
We are just beginning the implementation you all are talking about. Our initial thought was to only pass back a final grade as well, but the more we get into it the more likely we are to pass back more often. For example, we have turned off the displaying grades to parents in PowerSchool and have made it clear that parents need to be in Canvas to see assessment feedback, grades, and course content. That frees us up to pass grades as needed for things like getting athletic eligibility, which has been a challenge in Canvas. Look forward to hearing how other folks are handling this!
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