Hi Matt,
Yes see below. The only part I edited (that I left in), is the regex. I removed our domain and our token. The term is 2016SP. This is also the name of the zip file, and the SIS ID of the term that has already been uploaded. It gets past the regex matching so that isn't it. I'm really stumped. I bolded the text of the regex and the error message I keep getting.
# This script allows full batch imports. To use the script you need to name the input .zip
# file with the SIS ID of the destination term in Canvas. The SIS ID is case sensitive!
$sourcePath = "C:\Canvas\zip_upload\" #this is source directory literal path
$archivePath = "C:\Canvas\zip_upload_archive\" #output path for the archive file creation
$logPath = "C:\Canvas\zip_upload_log\" #output path for the zip file creation
$token = "" # access_token
$domain = ".instructure.com"
$termMatchRegex = "^\d{4}(FA|SP|SU)$" # Regex To validate the zip filenames match your Term SIS ID pattern. This example allows SIS IDs in the format of Spring
$checkTimeInterval = 60 # Time interval (in seconds) to pause between import status checks
###### Don't edit anything after this line ######
# Just in caseset paths don't end with a \, add it.
$sourcePath += "\"
Write-Host "Your sourceDir didn't end with a \ so I added one. It really is important"
$archivePath += "\"
Write-Host "Your archivePath didn't end with a \ so I added one. It really is important"
$logPath += "\"
Write-Host "Your logPath didn't end with a \ so I added one. It really is important"
$contentType = "application/zip" # don't change
$t = get-date -uformat %Y%m%d-%H%M
$file_list = dir $sourcePath*.zip
if($file_list.length -gt 0){
foreach($file in $file_list){
Write-Host "Processing $file..."
$term = $file.name.Substring(0, $file.name.length - 4)
if($term -cnotmatch $termMatchRegex){
Write-Host " Invalid SIS ID in file name ($term)! Does not match expected format!"
$inFile = $file.FullName
$url = "https://$domain/api/v1/accounts/self/sis_imports.json?import_type=instructure_csv&batch_mode=1&batch..."+$term
$headers = @{"Authorization"="Bearer "+$token}
###### Some functions
$status_log_path = $logPath+$term+"-"+$t+"-status.log"
write-host $status_log_path
Try {
$results1 = (Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $headers -InFile $inFile -Method POST -ContentType $contentType -Uri $url) #-PassThru -OutFile $outputPath$t"-status.log"
$results1.Content | Out-File $status_log_path
$results = ($results1.Content | ConvertFrom-Json)
Write-Host $results
} Catch [system.exception]{
$results = $null
$results.id | Out-String
if($results -eq $null){
write-host " Unable to start an SIS import for this term. Please ensure a term with this SIS ID has already been created in Canvas. (SIS ID's are case sensative)"
$status_msg = "Import created with ID "+$results.id
write-host " $status_msg"
Start-Sleep -s $checkTimeInterval
Try {
$status_url = "https://$domain/api/v1/accounts/self/sis_imports/"+$results.id
$results1 = (Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $headers -Method GET -Uri $status_url) #-PassThru -OutFile $outputPath$t"-status.log"
$results1.Content | Out-File -Append $status_log_path
$results = ($results1.Content | ConvertFrom-Json)
if($results.workflow_state -eq "Importing"){
$status_msg = "Importing: "+$results.progress+"%"
write-host " $status_msg"
} Catch [system.exception] {
$results = $null
####Add workflow status output and error
#$results.id | Out-String
if($results -eq $null){
write-host " Unable to retreive results for the SIS import."
while($results.progress -lt 100 -and $results.workflow_state -ne "failed_with_messages")
$results1.Content | Out-File -Append $status_log_path
$status_msg = " Results:`n Workflow State: "+$results.workflow_state+"`n Progress: "+$results.progress+"%`n`n"
write-host "$status_msg"
# The sis import is done, you might do something else here like trigger course copies
$moveTo = $archivePath+$t+"-"+$file.name
Move-Item -Force $inFile $moveTo