Separating a Course into Sections?

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Community Novice


I use Canvas for K-12. Our courses are created by our sections in PowerSchool. Some of the specials teachers have classes that are uploaded for a grade level, rather than by teachers in that grade level. They wanted to know if they can separate this grade level course into sections within that course by teacher. Is this possible? They can't create a new course or the grades won't upload to PowerSchool.

I know you can create "groups" within the people in your course, but I found this doesn't allow you to assign specific assignments to only a group of students. Am I missing something?

1 Solution

Hi Madisen,

With the Powerschool integration we pull courses in Canvas based off of sections in Powerschool (if your set up 1-1). If you were to set up the sections in Powerschool so each teacher had their own section, when they pull into Canvas they would each have a separate course. Then you could crosslist those courses together in Canvas so they are all one course but multiple sections under one course. This would not break grade passback and I believe accomplish what you are trying to do. However, I'm speaking generally without knowing specific details. I would advise you to reach out to your CSM who can show you how to crosslist courses in Canvas.

You would need to reach out to Powerschool if you need help with changing courses/sections in Powerschool.

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