Current status of New Quizzes API

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We promised transparency about how things are going with New Quizzes features and a lot of you are waiting for the API releases. As I broke down the iterations in my previous blog post, you have an idea which iteration will cover the needs of your use case. 

Although it’s still early to commit to a timeline, I can give you a status for where we are at this moment and how we see the upcoming, near future. Currently we are working on iteration 1 - Quiz Building and putting together a comprehensive API reference and guides to help you build your integrations. 

Sneak peek at the documentationSneak peek at the documentation


To build what’s best for our customers we don’t just implement the API endpoints and release them. We want to make sure they’re easy to use and provide the best experience possible. This is why we are also validating our work with some selected customers before releasing it to the general public. Currently we are finishing up a chunk of work for the first iteration and will start the validation process soon. Based on the feedback gathered, it is possible that we will make some modifications to the GraphQL schema, queries or mutations. 

Why does this take so long?

You are likely wondering why this takes so much time, especially since we had communicated that the API would be released at the end of 2021. The unfortunate reality is that we encountered some technical difficulties which were not foreseen until we started to unfold the implementation of the API. Although solving these problems is not visible to customers, it is necessary to provide a great experience using the API. Without some of these solutions, the API wouldn’t even work, while others are for consistency or simplicity of use. While we understand that the API is behind, that doesn't mean work has stopped. Our team has been consistently working on the API over the last couple of months to ensure that what is being released to production meets our planned initiative and you, the customers' needs.

What’s next?

Our team is actively working on rolling out the items highlighted in the Classic Quiz Sunset Timeline. The development team is committed to integrating the RCE, since it is also a key element in New Quizzes transition and it is essential for the bulk migration tool. While the product team is devoted to working on quiz building use cases and leading the validation process for this first interaction of the API work completed, we will focus engineering capacity on building the RCE integration. With all of these items in play, the quiz building API is anticipated to be finished in Q3.

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.