Discussions: Help Us Improve



Since the Discussions Redesign was enforced, we’ve addressed some unforeseen issues and are now focusing on enhancing key areas and introducing new features. We’ve already received some valuable feedback, giving us a general idea of what needs attention. Now, we’d like to hear from you directly about what matters most to you, so we can prioritize our upcoming work accordingly.

That’s why we’re launching a survey — a quick and easy way for you to share what you enjoy, what could be improved, and which updates you’d like to see sooner rather than later!

How to Take the Survey

Ready to share your thoughts? Click here to begin the survey! It’s fast, secure, and your responses are completely anonymous, unless you would like to participate in the further studies. The survey should take no longer than 5-10 minutes to complete.

We are seeking candidates to have deeper conversations with

At the end of the survey, you'll have the option to express interest in further discussions. We’re seeking candidates to engage in one-on-one calls to better understand your needs and provide feedback on our designs and prototypes. If you’re interested, simply fill out the survey with your contact information. While we may not be able to speak with everyone due to high interest, we will reach out to selected participants in the coming weeks.

Thank you for helping us make Discussions the best it can be. We’re excited to hear from you!

Community Novice

Please bring back the “needs grading” for DB posts that have been posted after the due date. I give my students the opportunity to correct their posts, but I have no way of knowing now whether they did it, without checking every single post again. Which is ludicrous.

Community Member

I have recently inquired about the following two items, and the response is that Canvas does not have this feature.

1. Upgrade bulk assignments with an automatic extension for students with disabilities. Currently, Canvas requires that instructors must enter extensions for each assignment individually, which takes a LOT of time. As more and more students are diagnosed with disabilities that require extra time, this is a much needed feature!

2. Update bulk assignments with a change in time. Currently, Canvas only allows for a bulk change in the DATE, but not the time of an assignment. When instructors are using a department template with assignments due before class, the dates likely remain the same, but the time of class is different. Again, Canvas requires that instructors change each assignment individually, which requires a LOT of time. 

In summary, the ability to make bulk DATE and TIME changes for individual students assignments is needed, and the ability to make bulk TIME changes (in addition to date) is needed for setting up courses at the beginning of the term.

Thank you.


Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @JenNimtz1 - I see you have posted a few ideas as a reply to this thread which is about the discussion tool. However your topic is about bulk editing of assignment dates and times.

Please permit me to share the Canvas Ideas page. Once there you can view the previously submitted ideas and post yours as well.  😁


For your second idea, please note that the bulk update interface does provide for batch editing the time as well as the dates. But perhaps you are interested in being able to pick an exact time for selected assignments to be due without having to click and type in the Due At field.



Community Novice


The new Design Canvas Format for 'Discussions" seems to be a great logical way of organizing the Discussion flow.

However, this is quite a drawback in the learning experience for the students as they do not read any more the full Discussion.

The reason is simple. I have generally 28 students and it means they need to click 28 times to read the "Replies".

I have now only 2 students who take the time to click 28 times and read all the replies. The others read 3 to 4 comments/replies and lose part of the discussion.

Also, in my answers/comments, I am using a lot of visuals (graphics, models, posters, PPT slides...) to make the "Discussions" more attractive.

With the new format, to make sure all the students see my comments, I do not reply to a student but use the "Generic" reply. Consequently, my comments are in the core of the "Discussions" and can be seen right away. No click necessary!  

My suggestion: Canvas should go back to the initial design.

Thank you,




Community Novice

I have no way of knowing if a student posts in the discussion or cafe after the week ends.

Could we please do most recent posts last so we can scroll down in order of posts.

Can we please have a thumbs up that we have read a post.

Can you please not have the discussion threads collapse; stay expanded. Thank you.

Community Participant

Echoing ClaudeBobin's post, I have received passionate feedback from some faculty that they want an easy way to permanently switch the display to unthreaded showing all the replies, so that the Instructors replies to one student are seen by all.

Community Contributor


I have a few ideas/thoughts I'd like to share. Please keep in mind I am not a developer so it's easy for me to imagine what I'd like done but I am also well aware that the reality I wish to create may not be a possibility. 

1. Threaded Discussions - Overall I do like some of the UX/UI improvements however we have now turned threads into "drill in" experiences where I have to click through to see responses. I hate to have a less than positive descriptor for my students but I find it somewhat unlikely students are drilling into things to find replies to read. I have found since the update my discussion replies are solely based on the initial post which can often skip replies that echo the same sentiments. Perhaps having them start expanded (which I very much understand can be perceived as a UX cluttered mess? 

2. Automatic @mtntions - If you search around the Canvas site you may find my feature request for "@mentions" from back in 2013. While I am grateful for them working I do wonder why when you reply to a post it doesn't automatically tag them? I feel a "nudge" may be better than having to constantly go back and look for things. I would also like to see the text "Hint @links to course members" or something similar in the discussion view for students like we find on this website to encourage use of it. 

3. Change the name of "First entry" to something like "reply to topic" With the onset of checkpoints we found when a student looks on their Grades page and sees a discussion with checkpoints it breaks the grade down into posts and replies (great!) but then it lists the first one as "first entry" this is the first time (to my knowledge) this language appears in Canvas and it seems weird to me. 

4. Rubrics and Checkpoints. I'm sure this is a VERY complicated issue but I had a crazy "pie in the sky" idea with the rubric redesign we could simply mark a discussion rubric to designate point totals as contributing to the post score or reply score. It's probably super complex to do that but it would be cool to have rubric auto grading and checkpoints. 

Community Novice

Any changes that require more clicks are a problem. We already have to click so much that with additional clicking it's causing my hands to have repetitive use problems. Please do what you can to reduce clicks. It makes it easier for the students and faculty.



Thank you for your answers and feedback.

Saving the sorting preferences for a discussion is already working, while saving the expand/collapse thread feature is deployed to beta and will be deployed to production on 11. 20. You can see the deploy notes here.