New Quizzes End of Quarter Update for Q2 2024

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For reference: Link to New Quizzes End of Quarter Update Q1 - 2023
New Quizzes News
In the past quarter, we've been hard at work bringing valuable updates to New Quizzes that enhance its functonality and usability. One of the key updates is the ability to export New Quizzes as Common Cartridge files.
Additionally, we've introduced the Item Banks Sub-Account feature, which allows users to view and share item banks relevant to their current sub-account. Making it easier to manage and locate item banks. Moreover, we've enabled outcomes alignment for sub-account specific item banks.
Looking ahead, we will continue to focus on making content easier to share with other educators by making New Quizzes available in Canvas Commons, and giving instructors more flexibility around student feedback and responses.
Q2 Achievements
- Export New Quizzes By Common Cartridge
- Subaccount Item Bank Sharing and Outcomes Alignment
Export New Quizzes by Common Cartridge
The work we have done around exporting New Quizzes relates to exporting a course as a Common Cartridge in Canvas. With the new export files, users will be able to use the export packages as backups for their data. If a user deletes their original quizzes for any reason, or they move to a different region, account, or LMS, their exports will remain intact.
This functionality was released to production environments on June 15. (Release notes)
Subaccount Item Bank Sharing and Outcomes Alignment
The new Item Banks Sub-Account feature allows users to view and share item banks relevant to their current sub-account. This functionality makes lookup more convenient, by limiting the item banks listed to the current subaccount.
Changes to Item Bank Filters
To better facilitate the searching of item banks shared with sub-accounts, we updated some of the filters in the item bank search. There is a new filter called “This Account” which shows what is shared to the sub-account that you are currently using. We updated the names of two filters, based on feedback in the Community, to provide more clarity on what they pull up.
Item Bank Filter Descriptions
Item Bank Filter |
Description |
Shared with Me (formerly All Banks) |
The filter shows all banks the user has created as well as all shared to the user, both directly and through shared via course. An account search bar will now appear to narrow down results by sub-account. Note: The default view for 'Shared with Me' does not include banks shared via sub-account. Users can specify an account in the new account search bar to see banks shared with a specific sub-account |
Institution Banks |
This filter shows item banks shared across an account or institution. An account search bar will now appear to narrow down results by sub-account. |
This Account (New) |
This filter appears when you are viewing item banks from within a sub-account. It shows what is shared to the sub-account that you are currently using. |
Shared with Courses (formerly Banks Shared to Course) |
This filter displays item banks that have been shared with any course that a user has access to. |
This Course |
This filter appears when you are viewing item banks from within a course. It shows what is shared with this course that you are currently using. |
We added a new Account Search Bar which allows you to search by a sub-account name. If you are an instructor with access to a number of sub-accounts, you would be able to search by the sub-accounts that you have access to. The account search bar will only appear when viewing the Institution Banks and Shared with Me filters.
Item Bank Filter and Search
Item Bank Sharing Modal
The item bank sharing modal has also been updated with new tabs for sharing with users, courses, and accounts. Sharing is also made more efficient where changes are applied as you go so that you no longer have to review and click done to apply changes. You can only delete a share if you have edit access.
Item Bank Sharing Modal
Outcomes Alignment
Customers who have sub-account specific item banks are now able to align outcomes to sub-account shared item bank questions. This works for course item banks and course outcomes as well.
To do this, open the item in the sub-account or course and use the Source dropdown to pick either to root account or the current sub-account or course.
Outcomes Source Search
In the list of aligned outcomes, we now show the source of the outcome (either root account, sub-account, or course). We also show the status of the outcome in regards to the current sub-account or course.
Outcomes Index
If you see a status of “Not in this Sub-Account” or “Not in this Course”, you can use outcomes management to find and add that outcome to the current sub-account or course (ref).
This functionality was released to production environments on June 15. (Release notes)
Q3 2024 Objectives
Show Custom Feedback with Results
We are adding functionality for an instructor to add custom feedback content for students to see when they finish a quiz. Instructors can offer general feedback, suggest additional materials to review, or remind students of the next steps, just to name a few uses. When a student completes a quiz attempt, the feedback will appear on the results page.
We released to beta environments on July 15 and will have a subsequent release to production environments on August 17.
Manage Student Results View
We have begun development work to manage student results view settings. We are expanding functionality so that while an instructor is able to choose when to show student responses and choose to indicate if a response is correct or incorrect, responses will be able to be further limited by only once after each attempt, only after their last attempt, or only once after their last attempt. Further, time restrictions will also be displayed as date and time fields. This will give instructors more flexibility to adapt the session to meet student needs.
Canvas Commons
We are continuing our effort to make it easier to share your quiz content to other educators. As part of that effort, we are working to support Canvas Commons, empowering instructors to better collaborate and save time on content curation.
Add time to existing quiz sessions
If a student is interrupted by a technical issue or an unforeseen challenge in their environment, instructors need to be able to grant them additional time on an in-progress quiz attempt. We are beginning work to bring this functionality to New Quizzes.
Course files in Item Banks Known Issue update
Updates on the Known issue related to course files in item banks can be found in this blogpost.
Quarter 2 Completed Fixes and Features
Here is a list of the related fixes or features that we completed in the past quarter:
- Repeated correct answers in New Quiz fill in the blank dropdowns causes blank page
- Students who access a New Quiz with Respondus Lockdown Browser enabled encounter an RCE error.
- Media uploaded via RCE in New Quizzes stuck loading
- Accessibility
- Button for grading modal in New Quiz Matching questions in elements twice
- New Quiz Essay question with Set Word Limit checked doesn't read error if no values entered for min/max
- New Quiz filter IP address errors not announced for screen readers after moving away from field and returning
- New Quiz +Allowed range button reads + instead of add range while using screen reader in the filter IP addresses setting
- Users using Screenreader hear a verbal only time limit when availability dates have been set
- Users are unaware of min field accessibility in New Quiz formula questions on initial navigation
- Users are unable to expand abbreviations of Max and Min in formula question creation
- Using tab navigates to non-interactive elements in New Quizzes
- Tab navigation skips main header interactive navigational elements within New Quizzes
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The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.