Roadmap Update - Course Pacing enhancements coming!

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I’m happy to share an exciting addition to our Canvas LMS roadmap. By Q3 2023, instructors using Course Pacing will be able to edit and adjust individual student paces, allowing for more flexibility and even greater personalization for students. As a bonus, this new functionality will be accompanied by a new and improved design, making Course Pacing easier to understand and navigate. 

What problem does this solve?

When we released Course Pacing in Feature Preview in April of 2022, we let instructors set a course pace that had all of their students on the same pace. We quickly heard from instructors that they also wanted to set paces for sections and for individual students. The reasons for this need vary, but common use cases include greater flexibility based on a section or student’s mastery of material (usually helping them speed up or slow down), and extensions or adjustments based on a student’s personal need. When this new functionality is released, instructors will have the option to set a course pace, section pace, and a student pace, providing maximum flexibility and truly supporting student-led learning. 

Who can benefit from Course Pacing?

Course Pacing is designed to support instructors with courses that have staggered start dates or rolling enrollments that require differentiated due dates based on the student start date or date of enrollment. Instructors can set a pace based on the number of days an assignment or task takes to complete and the student’s individual due dates are set automatically. This makes Course Pacing a great fit for institutions focused on student-led learning and is foundational to outcomes-based or competency-based learning using Canvas LMS.

How do I learn more about Course Pacing?

You can get more details about Course Pacing and engage with our team in the Course Pacing Feature User Group. Join us there to stay up-to-date on development, give feedback, and ask questions.


The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.