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Course Pacing (Feature Preview)

This group is for institutions using the Course Pacing Feature Preview. Engage with our product team and share your feedback on this feature.

This group is for institutions using the Course Pacing Feature Preview. Engage with our product team and share your feedback on this feature. View expectations for participating in this user group.

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  • View the Feature Overview document in the sidebar.
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The Group Hub Activity section at the bottom of the page shows the latest updates to the group, which are organized into three sections:

General Timeline


The Course Pacing Feature Preview is available in the beta environment.


The Course Pacing Feature Preview is available in the production environment.


Blackout Dates available in Production.


Section Pacing is available in the production environment.


Blueprint and Course Copy support available in production.


Course Pacing feature development is ongoing and updated every two weeks. For the latest updates, view the Change Log link in the sidebar.

Course Pacing (Feature Preview) Discussions

Course Pacing (Feature Preview) questions and discussion forum

We are a District that uses Blueprints for all our courses and syncing down to child courses at 21 different Sub-accounts.  We are open 365 days a year and have rolling enrollment for students, so Course Pacing was a perfect fit.    The biggest chall...

Community Explorer
Course Pacing (Feature Preview)
  • 0 Replies

Hey all, I wanted to share an issue we came across today.  In one of our courses with Course Pacing enabled, suddenly our students could not see any pages in it. Like when looking at Modules any pages were just gone when using Student View and for ou...

  • 8 Replies

I can't find that information anywhere. I can't find the feature in my account, and I don't know which is the "institution" responsible for free accounts.

Community Member
Course Pacing (Feature Preview)
  • 0 Replies

I am using the Course pacing in Canvas this year and when I go in to edit an assignment, whether it is the instructions, the point value, or external tool, it will not save. I have tried to turn off the course pacing setting and then edit it will sti...

  • 1 Replies

I work for an asynchronous school that uses course pacing. As with any school, we need scaffolded assignments to ensure that all students can be successful. I thought I could make multiple versions of the same assignment and excuse students from the...

Community Member
Course Pacing (Feature Preview)
  • 0 Replies

It would be nice to be able to just put a Start and End Date and then the course pacing adjust due dates based on those dates...rather than having to sit there and put 1's all throughout. 

  • 1 Replies

Students in our Canvas courses get placed in TWO sections - one main section that all students are in and then each students is also placed in a unique secondary section that is created with the bridge from Canvas to our SIS for grades and assignment...

  • 1 Replies

I am exploring the possibility of using course pacing for several courses. These courses have multiple sections with anywhere from 10-30 students in a section. Each section starts the course on a different date. From what I have learned about course ...

  • 2 Replies

We are using the course pacing with our Credit Recovery courses that are set up with Mastery Paths. We discovered that if we put the 0's in once the due date passses it takes away the Master Paths option...meaning even if they score high enough to be...

Community Explorer
Course Pacing (Feature Preview)
  • 0 Replies

We have a course that uses Mastery Path, that has no connection to course pacing. On the original course (where the TCC File was pulled) course pacing was enabled. When we go change the end date of the course, all students are assigned every assignme...

  • 1 Replies

Problem statement: From my understanding, to effectively implement course pacing, it is crucial to arrange items in a sequential order corresponding to when we want assessments to be opened or due. However, for the sake of clarity, we have divided "A...

  • 2 Replies

How do I manually correct a group of students' course enrollment date when added to a "new/different" section after having been in the course for several weeks?Course Pace bases the student work due dates on the student's enrollment date.When a stude...

Community Member
Course Pacing (Feature Preview)
  • 0 Replies

There really needs to be a method to get the course pacing ID or all default course pacing IDs should be 0. The only time the course pacing ID is shown is during the creation response. After that, you need to try random values to access the default p...

  • 3 Replies

Automatic cascading due dates would have the ability to take the start date, end date, and the number of assignments and calculate the due dates for each assignment evenly paced between the dates (option #1). Taking it a step further, It would be eve...

  • 1 Replies

When I go to create a course pace with the Canvas live api or using my own post request, I get the following error which I am unable to view or resolve. Live API { "errors": [ { "message": "course_pace is missing" } ] } Post {'errors': [{'message': '...

  • 1 Replies

I am wondering if we can have lock out dates enabled with course pacing.  In it's current form, there is no ability to change the availability of an assignment with course pacing.  We have rolling enrollment, but at a certain point the enrollment clo...

Community Member
Course Pacing (Feature Preview)
  • 0 Replies

We are new to Canvas this year and our Virtual Academy is interested in using Course Pacing with some of their courses. However, since the grade sync with IC does not work unless an assignment is assigned to everyone in the section or course AND it r...

Community Explorer
Course Pacing (Feature Preview)
  • 0 Replies

Course Pacing is such an awesome Feature for self-paced courses, and we’re excited about how this can improve the student learning experience, as well as save instructors time! Recently, we’ve had a lot of interest from our Instructors about whether ...

  • 5 Replies

I want to have an alternate assignment using complete one module requirement.In this case, one of the assignments only gets assigned to specific students. We were assigning that to individual students as needed in order to keep it hidden from student...

  • 2 Replies

I'd like to include 'make as done' and 'view' page as requirements in the pacing as well as the quizzes etc.Is this planned for the roadmap as well?Geoffp.s. Thanks for creating this, it's a great idea. 

  • 3 Replies

Hi Course Pacing Dev Team,Thanks so much for working on this feature - It’s a really wonderful addition to Canvas!Wanted to share the details of a feature bug we noticed recently. We set up a test course with course pacing on all the assignments (eac...

Community Participant
Course Pacing (Feature Preview)
  • 0 Replies

We started with test at the beginning of the year: outcome/recommendation Use Case: "Students" enrolled in sections with different start dates. Quizzes setup to start X days after course start (?) What we expected: Students in Section 1 to have same ...

Community Member
Course Pacing (Feature Preview)
  • 0 Replies

So I have a course where I have an "auditor" section in the course which is self-explanatory. Since the course uses a system of requirements and pre-requisites, I have excluded that section from every assignment in the course. However, once I turn co...

Community Champion
Course Pacing (Feature Preview)
  • 0 Replies

With the release of the course pacing tool, is it be possible to send over the API call coding for the course pacing so that those data points can be consumed in a SIS via API? We would like to be able to populate the course due dates via API to the...

Community Explorer
Course Pacing (Feature Preview)
  • 0 Replies

The api documentaiton for blackout dates for putting / posting currently implies parameters are all at the top level of the object. Like this { start_date: DATE end_date: DATE } However, this doesn't work. It does work if it's wrapped in a blackout_d...

  • 2 Replies

Schools that utilizes Course Pacing are getting a broken page error. When I try to replicate the error, my view does not show the broken page error. Also, when I act as the user, it also renders the view properly for me. Is there a local setting that...

  • 6 Replies

Hello,I apologize if this question has already been answered. I teach at a technical college that’s open entry/open exit where students are assigned course end dates. In the Pace Plan LTI, we had the ability to set end-dates and the LTI would calcula...

  • 1 Replies

Ideally for us, we would like a teacher to set how many hours it should take for a student to complete each module.  The teacher could then input the number of hours that a student is in class each day, and how many days per week a student is attendi...

Community Explorer
Course Pacing (Feature Preview)
  • 0 Replies

Hi all, I had a couple of questions regarding customizing the course pacing tool: We don’t set due dates for our quizzes. Is there any way to remove them from the pacing list, and just have discussions and assignments include due dates?We set our dis...

Community Participant
Course Pacing (Feature Preview)
  • 0 Replies

At the end of a set time frame for course pacing does the course automatically diable? If not is there a way to implement this feature? We have a year-round class in which students have 90 consecutive days to complete. We need the course or access to...

  • 1 Replies
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