Speedgrader Update: Grade Update Syncing

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As mentioned in Marissa’s Quarterly Update from New Quizzes - Q3 2022 post, we have started work on improving SpeedGrader support of New Quizzes. I’m pleased to share that the first project listed in her post for SpeedGrader is now complete. With this update, when instructors are grading New Quizzes in SpeedGrader, they can expect the grade input [3] to sync upon clicking update [2] as is expected. 



This update has been deployed to production, but we’ve made one slight adjustment and implemented a loading spinner to notify the instructor that the sync is running should it take a bit. If this is the case, the instructor can move on to grade the next student as the sync is running. There is no need to wait before moving on. The spinner will currently show in beta environments in these instances and will deploy to production with this week’s deploy. This update should eliminate confusion, reduce frustrations, and save time in grading.  

With this project done, the gradebook team has now started working on the much anticipated support of grading one question at a time in SpeedGrader for manually graded items on New Quizzes. More to come on this as progress is made.

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.