Student Annotation in the Student Mobile App, part 2

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

In my previous article I was speaking about “fixing” student annotations. Although this feature was never a bug but rather a quite massive feature for both mobile and web too. I’ve recently created a(n amateur) video—you’ll see I promise—about the feature and now it’s time to share it. The versions contain the feature:


  • Teacher: 1.14.0
  • Student: 6.14.1


  • Teacher: 1.15.0
  • Student: 6.15.1

Check your version and upgrade if necessary. But one picture is worth a thousand words, but what about a screencast?

Let’s watch:

So, let’s just highlight some key momentum from the video. As you see from the student perspective, it’s only an extra item in the submission type selector. Obviously the new one, the Student Annotation, is only there if the teacher allows it for the assignment.

Student app, new option in the submission types menuStudent app, new option in the submission types menu

Once the student tapped on the Student Annotation option, the document is loaded and (s)he can start the annotation work (with or without pencil). 

Student app: the new student annotation featureStudent app: the new student annotation feature

One interesting thing about the annotation is that it is saved on the mobile device up until the work gets submitted. In practice, it means that if the student does not finish the work in one round, (s)he can work on it for multiple days, we’ll keep the previous work saved on the device. The teacher obviously does not see this work yet, since it is only available on the device. If the work is done, it can be “sent” to the teacher by tapping the Submit button:

Student app: the work is submittedStudent app: the work is submitted

(The confetti is only visible if the feature is enabled, which I truly encourage because it is so funny.)

The video does not show it, but I’ll tell here that the teacher will see the counterpart of the feature in their Teacher app. Instructors can do the usual grading process, but now they can annotate the student’s work as well! And yes, the teacher annotation is visible for the students immediately as they get saved. 

Teacher app: grading the student’s workTeacher app: grading the student’s work

We hope you enjoy these features.


The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.