Update on your Portfolium Outcomes Assessment Grade Exchange LTI experience

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At Instructure, we are dedicated to keeping our tools secure and compliant with the latest web standards and policies. In line with these efforts, we are making an important update to the Portfolium Outcomes Assessment Grade Exchange LTI.

In early 2024, Google began phasing out third-party cookies globally. This change affects how web tools track users across different websites, necessitating modifications to our integrations to ensure they remain secure and functional.

What This Means for Grade Exchange LTI

As part of our response to these policy changes, the Grade Exchange LTI will open exclusively in a new tab from August 5th. Previously, users could open the LTI within an iframe or in a new tab. Going forward, you will see a button within the iframe that prompts you to "Open in a new tab."

This update helps us maintain the security and reliability of our services by:

  • Aligning with the latest browser policies to ensure smooth operation across platforms.
  • Mitigating potential risks associated with third-party cookies.

We understand that this change may require some adjustments in your workflow. However, our priority is to provide you with a secure, reliable, and compliant toolset.

Our team is here to support you through this transition and address any questions you may have.

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

Community Novice


Community Novice


  1. For this final paper I had a lot of spelling errors. So a lot of the work I did with this paper was touch ups to make sure everything was right. I was also missing my conclusion at the time so I made sure I added that.
  2. I did not omit any suggestions from my peer review. I believe if someone left a comment about something, I'll take that as constructive criticism and will change it in some shape of way.

Self-Analysis Questions 

  1. I believe one aspect of my writing that has improved is my citations. At one point in college I struggled putting down any citations. So at this point I am doing great.
  2. As always, waiting until the last minute has always been my issue. I tend to wait until the last day or so to write my paper. 
  3. My process with this paper was to gather all of my information first then knock out my body paragraphs. I tend to leave my induction and conclusion till the last part of my paper. Might be a little odd but definitely works for me. 
  4. The one thing I've taken from these other classes is to write freely and get down to the information that I am writing. Never hold back the information that I am reading.