Update to New Quizzes and Blueprint Quiz Locking

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

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Quiz Locking is now available for New Quizzes in Blueprint Courses in Beta, with a December 17 release to production. One way to think of locking on a Blueprint course is to think of it as applying restrictions defined in the Blueprint settings and then selecting which quiz to lock. Locked quizzes in associated courses, generated from a Blueprint sync, will not be editable as long as this is defined in the settings.

In the Q3 End of Quarter Update, we discussed how to lock a New Quiz in Blueprint courses.  The first step would be to Enable the course as a Blueprint Course and then select either General Locked Objects>Content checkbox or select Locked Objects By Type>Assignments drop down>Content checkbox. The next step is to go to the Assignments page or Quizzes page and lock the specific quiz using the blueprint lock icon on the right of the quiz. The locking is applied immediately without a need to sync.

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The important thing to remember is that the Content checkbox needs to be checked off in order to control the ability to edit a quiz. A user could lock a quiz but only check off dates or points in the BP settings, so the quiz could appear to be locked but only for the settings and not the content, so the quiz would still be editable.

(Note: If Course is not enabled as a Blueprint course, the lock icon will not appear next to quizzes on the Assignment page.)

For a complete refresher on how to create a Blueprint course including how to lock objects in a blueprint course, see the screencast (information on locking settings begins at 1:08), 

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The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.