User Group Meeting: November 2019



  • Review Completed Institutional Profiles
  • Discuss Top 10 Areas of Priority
  • Schedule December/January Meet-up

Roundtable discussion topics

  • Managing a Rolling Intake Model
  • Managing Observations and Multiple Attempts


  • TasTAFE
  • Status Works
  • NCNZ
  • Aspire2
  • ACEM

Meeting Recording Link: VE User Group - Zoom 

Meeting Minutes:

1. Institutional Profiles Review

  • Interesting to see diversity in how people are using the platform, and to align with those who are developing in a similar way
  • Question!
    • For those fairly new to Canvas, could predicated barriers to adoption be included? 
    • For those with existing Canvas experience, could historical barriers be included?
    • Suggested best place may be a Discussion topic in the Group --> Zo to create this. 

2. Top 10 Areas of Priority

  • Already had some contributions to this - great work team!
  • TasTAFE --> No visibility of previous annotated submissions in Assignment feedback. Workaround has been to attach annotated PDF to Assignment comment. Managing rubrics for re-submissions as rubric information overrides, so cannot demonstrate pathway to competency in single assignment.
  • NCNZ --> Suspending a user account. Instead of having to update each enrolment, would be great to have ability to do this at the user level. Current workaround is to change email address so they cannot login, possibly include 'SUSPENDED' or similar to indicate clearly. SSO manages for some organisations, but those using Canvas credentials, this is not straightforward.

3. Managing Rolling Intakes

  • TasTAFE --> enrolments are fairly easy to manage as they are provisioned and removed by the SMS. Challenge is managing course design to be appropriate for this model.
  • MRWED --> Open dates and content, move through at their own pace. Use discussions, but doesn't facilitate as rich discussion as they don't necessarily know each other/learn together
  • Worth reviewing Managing Rolling Enrolments for some initial ideas!
  • Status Works --> feel cohorts are being managed fairly well, but difficulty is not being able to maximise use of the calendar to help guide due dates. Considering PacePlans

4. Managing Observations/Multiple Attempts

  • TasTAFE --> Use multiple rubrics/assignments to manage multiple attempts. Find the app workflow is not as user friendly when out in the workplace on the go. Have been looking at other tools like iAuditor, so not yet found
  • Worth reviewing Observation Reports as an Assignment for some ideas!
  • ACEM --> Use Complete/Incomplete to show visibility of whether they've achieved competency or not. Students have been using filmed evidence but upload size is too restricted which causes long workaround to getting it into Canvas (i.e. OneDrive/link etc). Suggestion, to consider using Stream (as part of Microsoft package) for submissions, which is a workaround for file size issue and also losing original file from users account if they move on and remove this.
  • Aspire2 --> Ability to submit on behalf of a student, important for their English faculty, but a current limitation. This is on the product roadmap - yay!
  • NCNZ --> Difficulty of analytics/reporting available around resubmissions i.e. which assignments are needing more resubmissions etc to help direct efforts as needed.

Follow-up Actions:

  1. Complete the Ordering our Areas of Priority Poll