Get all Course's IDs?

Community Member

Hey all,

I was looking at writing a program that would publish all my courses for me and I came upon several solutions. They all seems to go back to this one call.

Courses - Canvas LMS REST API Documentation 

The problem is that it seems the id of the course is needed to make this call, an id generated by Canvas' SIS Learning Environment where I don't (yet) have any idea how to read the ID used for selective courses.

My workaround is to use the sis_course_id: tag as suggested here.

Object IDs, SIS IDs, and special IDs - Canvas LMS REST API Documentation 

But is there a call you guys know that can retrieve all the courses' IDs from the system so we can run a system wide review? For example, courses that were created via the GUI... which wouldn't be tracked or predicted via external data sources?

Thanks in advance,


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