[ARCHIVED] Calendar Appointments

Community Novice

I'm considering making several 15-minute calendar appointments in Canvas for my students (to sign up for Office Hours).  So, I have 3 questions. 

1) I signed up for immediate notification when someone signs up, but on a trial run with a colleague, I have not yet received a notification.  I'm worried that I won't be notified if someone signs up and wants an appointment immediately.  So, any idea of how long "immediate" notifications actually take?

2) I would like to have the appointments the same from week to week.  Is there any way to make recurring appointments or somehow duplicate them easily?  I could find how to make other types of events recurring, but it didn't seem to work for appointments.

3) I would like to have my scheduled appointments show up on the side bar of my dashboard (where it shows my upcoming events).  Is this possible?



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