Why are messages that I send not appearing in Inbox?

Community Novice

Canvas seems idiot-proof ... until a real idiot (me) tries to use it!

So, I sent an email to "all" the students in my course. I got a green "message sent" reply and the message appeared in my "sent" folder.

But since this was the first try and since in the message I am asking them to do some things for class tomorrow, I thought I should check to see if the portal is actually sending my messages.

So, I sent myself a message. And when I did so I received a green "message sent" reply and it appeared in my "sent" folder. BUT :smileyalert: it never appeared in my Canvas Inbox, not did it appear in the email account attached to my canvas account. This makes me suspicious that my messages are not actually being sent.

Thoughts? ... Thanks!

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