[ARCHIVED] Canvas gradebook...hiding selected Assignment Group columns

Community Member

Does the new Canvas gradebook give the instructor the ability to completely suppress selected columns from the student view? It seems the existing gradebook does not. I've created an assignment group that holds all of my non-graded assignments but, despite the fact there will never be any grades posted in that group, a gradebook column was automatically created with no option to hide it from view. I also utilize a grading system that is not compatible with Canvas' weighting/dropping capabilities and therefore also want to suppress/hide all assignment group averages and prevent those calculated data from appearing in the student view.  Bottom line...the ONLY data I want my students to see are the RAW SCORES, nothing more. Having taught university courses for over four decades it is inconceivable to me that a system such as Canvas would not allow faculty full control over what their students see, or don't see, in the gradebook view. Thanks.  

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