[ARCHIVED] Will Canvas Ever Support By-Question Grading of Randomized Questions from a Bank?

Community Member

Hi, I saw a 5-year-old thread posted in which folks expressed frustration with Canvas' difficulty in letting instructors grade quizzes by question instead of by student. Evidently things have not improved since then. 

Can someone give me a sense of what, if any, progress, Canvas developers have made on this issue in the past 5 years? On my last exam, I had Canvas choose 11 short-answer questions from a question bank containing 40 questions and "randomly" assign those questions to students. Grading this was a nightmare, because I feel it is only fair to grade by question, not by student, to ensure similar standards for all students. What I did to grade it was to get a "report" of all students assigned each question through Quiz Statistics and by clicking on "respondents", which spit out a (not even alphabetized) list of students who got assigned the question. I then had to use speedgrader to hunt through each student's entire exam to find the question and grade it. This took about twice as long as grading paper exams, which of course, lend themselves to by-question grading easily. 

So....I am in a hellish situation. Do you think Canvas will ever solve this? If we are going to be online and use best practices to deter cheating and still challenge our students with hard questions that require them to think and write, we need by-question grading, I think. 

Thanks for any help. 

Walter Piper

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