Can quiz submissions of each student be saved as a PDF?

Community Member

We are using Canvas for the first time at our college and we, as teachers, have already given online quizzes and finals to our students and submitted our final grades to administration. However, the administration of the college is asking us to send them each individual student's quiz submissions that will show all the questions of the quiz along with how the student answered each question, whether they answered correctly or incorrectly, and their final grades; all in a PDF file for each quiz, for each student. Is this possible?

I tried to go to the quiz link in the menu on the left of the Canvas screen and selected the individual quiz. After that, I clicked on Speed Grader which took me to each individual student's submission of the quiz that showed each question with the students answers and their final grade; this is what they want to see for each student as a PDF file, so I tried to save this as a PDF. However, it wouldn't save the entire test, only the portion of what would fit on one page.

Again, my question is: How can I save the entire quiz submission of each student with their answers and final grade as a PDF to send to the administration of the college?

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