Originally submitted March 30th


"We would love to see Canvas implement form-based assessments. For example, we want students to complete a reflection on a field experience. We need to gather basic info like the location (chosen from a menu), date, and supervisor, and then students need to answer three open-ended questions and a matrix of Likert-like scale questions.

I've tried building this in the quiz tool, and am not satisfied with the results.
1) Doing this as a quiz is very messy and takes a dozen screens. Ideally, all this could fit on one or two screens.
2) This needs to be graded as a whole using a rubric. Doing it as a quiz attempts to assign points for each item on the screen - and most of the items don't have one right answer ("Name of rotation location" "Date of experience").
3) Ideally, we'd like to be able to mine the resulting data - for example, "How many students attended a rotation at X location?"

In addition to these reflections, we would use this tool for "worksheet-style" homework, self-assessments, case analyses, etc. - anything where the student gets one grade for answering a number of specific questions.

Emily Springfield
University of Michigan School of Dentistry"

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