This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

Admins who are allowed to view notifications can access the Bounced Emails tab in Admin Tools. The Bounced Emails tab displays bounced email notifications for all users in an account. Please refer to  Admin Tools: Bounced Emails Tab (2021-01-16 Releas...  and   How do I view bounced email notifications for user...  for instructions on viewing bounced email notifications and downloading the csv report.


Frequently email addresses used in Canvas bounce emails while admin are completely unaware this is happening.

Possible causes:

  • people start using other email addresses and close the previous one
  • people change email addresses because their name changed because of marriage
  • people change jobs, the old address is terminated and a new one created
  • the university disables the university student email account for inactive students
  • new mail is rejected because the mailbox completely full
  • etc.


Currently Canvas does not (yet) offer a way to proactively identify these problems, while teachers assume all their students receive notifications of e.g. announcements, assignments, etc. as configured in the notification settings.


Suggested solution

Let Canvas keep a record of every bounce email returned when sending notification emails to users, containing the data:

  • user id
  • email address
  • primary address or not
  • date and time of the bounce

Add a report in containing this data from one year max in CSV format.

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