
Feature request:  allow editing of a whitelisted Redirect Tool even when LTI permissions are disabled.

University of Washington has disabled the LTI add/edit/delete for course roles; LTI tools must either be whitelisted in the app center, or added at the account level after successfully completing the standard review and security process and documentation.

Most whitelisted LTI tools (like Wikipedia) are added to modules or assignments or in pages, and thus can be edited and deleted even when LTI permissions are disabled.  Not true for the Redirect Tool -- it can still be added, but not edited or deleted.  This creates quite a mess for teachers, who can now only hide incorrect or unwanted links created with the Redirect Tool from the course nav, and start over adding new links with the Redirect Tool.

It seems reasonable to expect that when an LTI tool is whitelisted, it is permitted, and should be editable and deletable.

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