
I understand you have restructured the community but the Guides are used by so many organizations and changing the URLs has caused a massive amount of broken links. You can probably have your data team run a query to see how many pages contain links to old guide locations to get an idea of the scope of impact. I'm certain it's massive.

In my organization, we reference specific pages in the guides several times in every course, so updating the links will take a huge amount of effort. If you could restore the old links, redirect the old links to the new locations, or have your data team query all environments and systematically replace the URLs for us that would save many days of tedious and manual effort. 

P.S. This change has also impacted many discussion threads in the community which link to other community locations. And the footer links on your site that lead to "Support" and "Guides" are broken, too. 

Thank you for your consideration. 

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